Image2.pngdove Gympie Cemetery Trust

Deceased Search

Click on the "SEARCH NOW" button below to begin your search:


This link will divert you to Chronicle Deceased Search and Mapping of the Gympie Cemetery.

"Walk-To-Grave" Directions - When using your mobile device within the Cemetery grounds, select a grave, click on the walking image, and be guided directly to the grave location. Google Chrome works best for this feature.

Virtual Visitation (photo/s of graves) is progressively being updated.

Dates of birth and dates of death have been more consistently recorded from the 1990’s onwards; records prior to this may not have this information. Our old records (1886 – 1990) are being progressively updated with as much detail as is available from historical burial records; however some records may not contain this information.

The information provided should only be used for personal genealogy research.


For assistance with your search, email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Some historical headstones (no burial) from the old Tozer & King St Cemeteries are also located in a special area at the Gympie Cemetery.

Information on these headstones is available from the Gympie Cemetery Trust Office or the Gympie Family History Society. 

Gympie Family History Society Inc.
Phone: 07 5482 8211
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Gympie Family History Society.