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Attractive commemorative areas have been created within the grounds, with a range of memorialisation options are available.

Ashes can be placed into an existing family plot without any disturbance to existing burials.  If a family do not have or do not wish to use an existing grave, there are a number of other choices; such as the Memorial Trees, Corella Gardens, Cassia Gazebo Gardens, Water View Gardens and the Columbarium Walls, where single or companion border sites may be chosen.  We also have the Tree of Life and Memorial Seats, which allows families to memorialise a life without placing ashes.

Bronze memorial plaques are ordered through the Cemetery Office with many individual choices available.

A family may choose to receive the cremated remains of a loved one, for private memorialisation or to be scattered. Should family requirements subsequently change, a memorial in the cemetery grounds may be arranged at any time in the future, with or without the cremated remains.

We recognize that at some stage we may need to renovate or completely rebuild an area due to deterioration. However families can be secure in the knowledge that perpetual memorials will be preserved forever and that only if significant infrastructure development or maintenance is necessary, the memorial will be positioned in an equivalent or better position.