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    About Us

The Gympie Cemetery Trust is a not for profit Incorporated Trust, which operates under Model Rules.

The Trust members are volunteers from the Gympie community and a Council Representative as nominated by the Mayor of the Gympie Regional Council.

 Cemetery Supervisor

  • Correy Jones


    Contact Details

Our OFFICE is located at "Cassia Lawns", 93 Cartwright Road, Gympie Qld 4570 within the GYMPIE CEMETERY 

Our office staff will be happy to assist you.

Office Hours: MONDAY to FRIDAY 9am - 3pm

Please call in to see Michelle, or you can contact us via one of the methods below:


07 5482 2199

The Gympie Cemetery Trust

93 Cartwright Road

Gympie Qld 4570

Email:  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

                                                                                    Click here to see a full map of the Gympie Cemetery   

                                                                             To search for graves, select Research and then Deceased Search                                              


 Gympie Cemetery Trust: ABN 51 914 509 208